Fair Use and Copyright Policy

The “ThinkGolfer” website is dedicated to providing an enhanced entertainment experience for its users. We may occasionally include copyrighted materials within our content that haven’t always been explicitly authorized by the copyright owners, in accordance with the principles of fair use under US and UK copyright laws. Our intention is to contribute positively to the user experience while ensuring due credit to the original copyright owners and their copyrighted works.

If you intend to utilize copyrighted materials from our website for purposes beyond what is considered fair use, it is your responsibility to obtain explicit permission from the respective copyright holder. We encourage responsible use of copyrighted content and adherence to copyright laws.

If you are a copyright owner of either textual or non-textual material, or if you hold concerns about our fair use policy, we invite you to reach out to us. Please contact us if you believe your copyrighted material is being used improperly or without authorization on our platform.

Copyright Policy

“ThinkGolfer” holds great respect for intellectual property rights and kindly requests that all users of our website extend the same respect to others. In alignment with our commitment to copyright law, we have formulated and implemented a comprehensive policy that honors copyright protections. This policy entails the prompt removal of any content that is found to infringe upon intellectual property rights, including copyrights. Additionally, we may take appropriate actions, including the termination of users who repeatedly violate these rights on our online platform.

If you suspect that a user of our website is infringing upon copyright(s) in a work, and you wish for the allegedly infringing material to be removed, please furnish the following information in the format of a written notification, as required by 17 U.S.C. § 512(c), to our designated Copyright Agent:

  • Your physical or electronic signature.
  • Identification of the copyrighted work(s) that you claim have been infringed.
  • Identification of the specific material on our website that you deem infringing and request for its removal.
  • Sufficient details to help us locate the infringing material.
  • Your contact information, including address, telephone number, and email address.
  • A statement affirming that you hold a good faith belief that the use of the disputed material is not authorized by the copyright owner, its representative, or the law.
  • A statement attesting to the accuracy of the provided information and, under penalty of perjury, verifying that you are either the copyright owner of the allegedly infringed work or authorized to act on their behalf.

Please be aware that, as outlined in 17 U.S.C. § 512(f), any falsification of material facts in a written notification could render the party making the complaint liable for damages, legal costs, and attorney’s fees incurred by “ThinkGolfer” in relation to the notification and claims of copyright infringement.

We appreciate your cooperation in upholding copyright protections and maintaining a respectful online environment for all users.